Module 5

Forming a narrative about the past using digital history tools

This final module will equip learners with the skills to bring their research and analysis of the primary sources and secondary literature into the digital realm as a well-constructed online exhibit.

In this module, learners will use the site which they set up in Module 1, their collections of primary and secondary sources from Modules 2 and 3, and their framing documents from Module 4. They will combine them to craft a narrative answering the question they asked in Module 1 by building an exhibit using these sources.


  • Ability to plan and build a digital history exhibit using
  • Ability to integrate primary and secondary source research
  • Ability to plan for programming and outreach with your project
Estimated time to complete this module: 15.5 hours


5.1 Putting Primary and Secondary Sources Together

5.2 Planning and Building an exhibit in

5.3 Preparing for Programming and Outreach

Module 5 Assignment